James is a dedicated follower of Jesus and a disciple-maker. He has a vision to reach the Burmese people in North America and Burma with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my privilege to work with him and together share the Gospel with many Burmese people.
Kevin Riley, Pastor Mt. Vernon Baptist Church |
As recorded in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, our Lord's final words to the disciples were of evangelism. He told them, "Go and make disciples of all nations,". It is these words of the Great Commission, that inspire Pastor James Amar and the Staff at JMA Ministries Inc. On a daily basis, Pastor Amar and JMA Ministries Inc honor our Lord by Spreading the Good News to the refugee communities in Atlanta and doing so in a way that is compassionate, humble and effective. The Holy Spirit is at work in this Ministry and it is worth both your time and financial support.
Craig E. Bertschi, Attorney at Law McRae Bertschi & Cole LLC |
It is evident that JMA Ministries is serving people. Pastor James is one of those men who can weep for a nation and I believe he has God's heart to see all people come to know Jesus. I am thankful that I get to work alongside him here in Clarkston. He brings glory to God in his service to the Kingdom.
Becky Thurman, Director Proskuneo Worship Institute |
James is a man of integrity with a heart for multiplying groups of disciples. He is dedicated, focused, and has a heart of a shepherd for those whom he leads. He balances a genuine love for people expressed through meeting felt needs with a focus on developing reproducing, maturing disciples.
Michael Thaxton, Disciple Maker Abiding Life Church, Clarkston |